Members of The Firm

Rio Fafen Ciptaswara, SH., MH., LLM.

Managing Partner

Rio is a member of PERADI with expertise across all aspects of commercial and dispute resolution, with a particular focus on commercial, capital market and project finance, energy and mining, insolvency, and dispute resolution.

Rio graduated from the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University, and subsequently earned an LLM from University of California, Berkeley - United States of America.

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Muhammad Reza Syariffudin Zaki, S.H., MA, AWP, CIQnR, CRMO

Senior Partner

Zaki is a member of PERADI and lecturer at Business Law BINUS University, IBLAM School of Law, Military School of Law, Prasetya Mulya University, Pelita Harapan University with expertise across all aspects of business and Commerce, International Trade, bankruptcy, Investment and Dispute Resolution, including Commercial Disputes and Arbitration.

Zaki graduated from the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University, and subsequently earned his Master’s Degree from Gadjah Mada University and Doctoral’s Degree from Padjadjaran University.

Rio has received professional licenses in Liquidation, Insolvency, Capital Market, Merger and Acquisitions from Indonesian and International Institutions, as well as certification in Business and Strategic Management from Wharton and Harvard Business School - United States of America.

Rio had more than 15 Years as Corporate Lawyer, with a particular focus on commercial, energy and mining, capital market and project finance, insolvency, and dispute resolution.

Zaki has been an expert many times in the courts and constitutional court in big cases in Indonesia, and  has written books on Gramedia, among others Pengantar Ilmu Hukum dan Aspek Hukum dalam Ekonomi, Hukum Perdagangan Internasional, Hukum Pariwisata Syariah di ASEAN (Prenadamedia Divisi Kencana), Pengantar Hukum Transaksi Bisnis Transnasional (Refika).

Zaki had more than 15 Years as International Transaction Experts, by representing Private Entities, State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and Government Institutions, in various complex Commercial Disputes.

Anggari Fornawansyah, SH.

Senior Partner

Anggari is a member of PERADI with expertise across all aspects of litigation and dispute resolution, including General and Specific Criminal Cases, Commercial Disputes, Land Disputes, Industrial Relation, Bankruptcy and Insolvency, and any other litigation and dispute resolution that occurs to the clients.

Anggari graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Mpu Tantular.

Anggari has specialized dealing with cases that related to: (a) Corruption Eradication Commission of Indonesia (KPK RI); (b) Indonesian National Police (Kepolisian RI); and (c) Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia (Kejaksaan Agung RI).

Anggari had more than 15 Years as Litigation and Dispute Resolution Lawyer, by representing Private Entities, State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and Government Institutions, in various complex Commercial Disputes and Specific Criminal Cases.

Miky is a member of PERADI with expertise across commercial and dispute resolution, with a particular focus on commercial, mining, energy and compliance matters, including high-stakes acquisitions and complex contract negotiations.

Miky Hapsari, SH.


Miky graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Diponegoro.

Miky Hapsari has deep involvement in the mining and energy sectors, primarily focusing on Coal and Mineral trading. Her role involves direct coordination with the Ministry of Trade, Economic Affairs, and Energy and Mineral Resources.

Miky had more than 10 Years as Corporate and Commercial Lawyer, by representing Private Entities, including from Indonesian and Foreign (Chinese) Companies, in various complex Commercial Disputes.

Zaki has received professional certifications and licenses in Risk Management, Finance, International Trade, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, from Indonesian and International Institutions. Additionally, Zaki currently holds a key leadership position in one of Indonesia’s largest political parties and board of PERADI YLC.